Richard has a long association with LINK in his former role of Head of Nature Conservation at the National Trust for Scotland where he had responsibility for developing and implementing policy on nature conservation and planning monitoring and conservation work on all NTS properties from 1998-2019. His main areas of interest included seabirds, deer/upland management, woodland regeneration, marine conservation, peatlands/carbon management, geology. Prior to that he was Head of Habitats Unit of United Nations Environment Programme-WCMC from 1990-1998 coordinating programmes on Tropical Forests, Coral Reefs, Temperate Forests and Arctic ecosystems and developed an international database for rapid response to environmental emergencies. Richard was Head of Wildlife Trade Monitoring Unit at IUCN from 1983 – 1990 specialising in ivory and reptile skin trade and was appointed to CITES International Panel of Experts advising on ivory trade. Richard co-authored specialist books on Sea turtles, Crocodile farming, Monitor Lizards and Pythons in SE Asia, International Trade in Parrots and Environmental Economics. Richard was assistant Salmon Farm Manager for Marine Harvest, W. Scotland from 1981-83 and gained a PhD in marine ecology while working for the British Antarctic Survey, with fieldwork in South Orkney Islands (1976-1981). Richard studied biology and geology at Cambridge University.
Richard was appointed an Honorary Fellow in 2019.
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