Member Application

  • Organisation Contact Details

  • Organisation's LINK Representative

    Who would be the organisations representative on LINK?
  • Organisation's Deputy LINK Representative

    Who would be the organisations representative on LINK?
  • Organisation's Charity Details

    Only enter if applicable
  • Staff Details

    How many staff are currently employed by the organisation, full/part time?
  • Membership Details

    What is the current membership in Scotland of the organisation (number)?
  • Funding Details

    What are the organisation’s current main sources of funding? (If primarily from local/ national government please confirm level of independence from these funders)
  • Organisation Establishment Details

    When and how was the organisation established and by whom?
  • Organisation Aims

    If the organisation's locus also lies beyond Scotland please explain its involvement and aims in Scotland.
  • Management Structure

    What is the organisation’s management structure (eg. Council, Board of Trustees, Committee), how is this decided, and by whom?
  • Organisation Objectives

    What are the organisations purposes / objectives?
  • Attachments

    Please include the following with your application
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 256 MB.
    • Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 256 MB.
      • Links to any other relevant information, such as journal or other publications
      • Data Protection

      • LINK has a duty under the General Data Protection Regulations 2016/679 to ensure all information collected by LINK is done so lawfully and in accordance with these regulations.

        Stage 1. All applications to join LINK are considered first by the LINK's Board of Trustees before making a recommendation to the existing members. We therefore ask for your consent to share your application with both our Trustees and LINK members.

        Part 2. If your application is successful we also ask for your consent to allow LINK to share both your main representative’s contact details and/or anyone else acting on your organisation’s behalf with the rest of the LINK membership and other relevant parties engaged in work, to enable effective communication across the network and further the aims and objectives of LINK. We will also include your email addresses on LINK’s distribution lists which will be shared with the wider LINK membership as well as others within the wider policy community.

        LINK may also send its members information about third parties’ services [such as courses and conferences] that may be of interest to them. Personal data is used solely to further the work of the organisation and is not used for any direct marketing purposes. LINK’s electronic databases are held securely and are regularly reviewed.

        At any time, you can ask LINK to:

        1. Confirm what data it holds
        2. Ask for changes to be made to the information we hold
        3. Withdraw consent and all data will be removed for our systems

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