Safeguarding Scotland’s cetaceans: improving the effectiveness of marine protected areas

24 Feb 2025

By Vicki James, Protected Areas Coordinator at Whale and Dolphin Conservation

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a critical tool for protecting important areas for cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in Scottish waters. Around the UK, 11 MPAs have been designated specifically for cetaceans. However, research into the management effectiveness of these MPAs by Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) reveals significant gaps in their management effectiveness, jeopardising their ability to deliver protection for the habitats and species they are intended to conserve.

The UK has committed to protecting 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030, with a goal to have 70% of MPAs in favourable condition by 2042. Yet, according to the JNCC, only a small proportion (83 of 374 UK MPAs) are moving towards their conservation objectives. These findings raise questions about whether these ambitions can be met without urgent changes.

Scotland’s MPAs have been designated to protect and support population recovery of harbour porpoise, Risso’s dolphin, bottlenose dolphins, minke whales and other marine life. MPAs include habitats important for survival of the species they’re designated for, providing essential breeding and feeding areas. These species are listed as Priority Marine Features (PMFs), which identifies them as a conservation priority for MPA designation. As the Scottish Government develops its National Marine Plan, fisheries measures and management of other activities, it has a key opportunity to lead in improving the management and effectiveness of MPAs.

Why evaluate the management effectiveness of cetacean MPAs?

MPAs are an essential tool for protecting cetaceans, but only if they are effectively managed. They can help safeguard crucial habitats, restrict and regulate harmful activities, and support nature recovery. However, threats from a range of anthropogenic activities including bycatch (accidental capture in fishing nets) and noise pollution (e.g. from offshore developments) will likely continue to cause harm if they are not adequately addressed.

Based on data available online, WDC assessed the UK’s 11 cetacean MPAs using the Marine Mammals Management Toolkit to evaluate the effectiveness of management measures, including stakeholder engagement and monitoring. The findings highlight significant concerns and underscore the need for immediate action.

Key findings:

1. Most cetacean MPAs lack a management plan: These are written specifically for each MPA to provide guidance on activities and ensure the conservation of the site’s protected features. In the UK, 90% of assessed MPAs are either lacking a management plan or the plan is an outdated one. In Scotland, only the Moray Firth SAC for bottlenose dolphins has an in-date management plan.

Management plans can inform decision-making by regulators and local authorities, helping to balance low impact use with conservation goals. Management plans for cetacean MPAs should outline strategies to manage activities such as noise pollution, bycatch and shipping, to prevent adverse effects on cetacean populations. They should also include an action plan detailing specific measures, responsibilities of organisations, and timelines to ensure conservation objectives are met, alongside a robust monitoring framework to regularly assess the condition of the site and the effectiveness of management measures.

MPA management plans are more detailed across a variety of activities compared to the Scottish Government’s consultation on fisheries measures. Fisheries measures across the MPA network can benefit cetaceans by reducing pressures such as bycatch, even if the focus of these measures may be other habitats or species. Therefore, MPA management plans provide wider benefits by addressing site-specific threats and prioritising conservation efforts for cetacean populations directly.

2. Noise pollution is not adequately addressed: Underwater noise from shipping, seismic surveys (use of airguns to survey the seabed), and offshore windfarm construction is the most poorly managed threat across all sites, based on available data, with minimal legally binding regulations or mitigation in place.

3. Harmful fishing practices are widespread: Bottom trawling, gillnets, and other damaging practices are still permitted within MPAs for cetaceans, resulting in risk of bycatch, habitat destruction, and prey depletion.

4. Insufficient monitoring is taking place: There are gaps in fine-scale and site-wide regular baseline monitoring of cetacean MPAs, which can be used to inform whether conservation objectives are being met as well as assessing the impacts of anthropogenic activity. The lack of regular, consistent baseline monitoring limits effective management and adaptive responses. Citizen science monitoring programmes, such as Shorewatch and Whale Track exist, which are partially addressing these significant data gaps. However, they should not be relied upon to fulfil statutory requirements for monitoring and impact assessments.

Recommendations for improvement

To ensure that harmful activities in cetacean MPAs are effectively managed to avoid or minimise impacts on cetaceans and other protected features, the following actions are crucial:

  1. Develop and implement management plans: Every MPA requires an up-to-date management plan to regulate activities, reduce harm, and monitor progress.
  2. Address noise pollution: Legally binding noise limits and use of proven mitigation measures, including for offshore windfarm development, are essential.
  3. Reform fishing practices: Introduce a management plan approach to restrict the most destructive fishing methods, including bottom trawling and gill nets, and minimise risks from lower impact gears e.g. through seasonal closures and gear modifications. In Scotland, there is the opportunity to do this through the much-delayed fisheries management measures (under the Marine Acts and Fisheries Act) in Scottish MPAs. In addition, the National Marine Plan 2 should incorporate fisheries management policies and give priority to restoration and protection of nature and biodiversity.
  4. Invest in monitoring programmes within MPAs to assess progress towards site conservation objectives and reduction of anthropogenic harms: There is a need to address the lack of baseline assessment of conservation status of priority species in sites, as well as monitoring of anthropogenic impacts. A robust monitoring programme needs to be implemented where the data is accessible in a standardised and timely manner to enable adaptive management.

The full report can be downloaded from WDC’s website


Image: Cath Bain

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