Dear Minister, we need Scotland’s nature. Now nature needs us.

30 Aug 2021

Since 2018, the Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaign has called on the Scottish government to set legally binding targets to halt the rapid decline of Scotland’s nature and set it on track to recovery.

This summer, more than 1,200 people wrote messages to Scotland’s Minister for Environment and Land Reform Màiri McAllan about why nature matters to them.

The campaign worked! In August, the newly formed SNP-Green government committed to setting targets for nature restoration in a Natural Environment Bill to be introduced in 2023-24. It’s thanks to the thousands of people who’ve supported the call for targets over the last three years that we’ve made it this far.

With the Greens joining government, Green MSP Lorna Slater will now lead on nature recovery targets as Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity. It’s great to see this issue given prominence at a ministerial level.

Now Fight for Scotland’s Nature campaigners are urging the government to set work in motion to make the recovery of our wonderful nature a reality.

Read a selection of people’s messages about the importance of Scotland’s nature in their lives:


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