Tweet Nicola Sturgeon your nature pictures!

26 Jul 2019

Stand up for the nature you love! Is it bumblebees in your local park? Puffins in the Firth of Forth? Oak trees on the banks of Loch Lomond?

Join the Fight for Scotland’s Nature by tweeting your nature pictures or videos to Nicola Sturgeon.

1/ Take a photo or video of what you love. Maybe you’re in the picture too.

2/ Tweet your picture or video to Nicola Sturgeon on @ScotGovFM using the hashtag #FightForScotlandsNature.

Don’t have a picture? Write the name of what you’re standing up for on a piece of paper and take a selfie of yourself with it.

Search for #FightForScotlandsNature on Twitter to see what others are standing up for!

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